Hi there, my name is Tammy! I'm an incoming graduate student at Northwestern University, the #2 speech-language pathology program in the nation. I created this website to help students navigate their way through their educational journey by sharing my own story, providing resources, and advice. I aspire to empower students,resonate ...

If you’re wrapping up your grad school apps and in need of a boost…this one's for you. I remember the overwhelming feeling of discouragement as I kept comparing my path to my colleagues who submitted their apps several weeks before the deadline. Balancing school, research, two jobs, extracurriculars, commuting, etc. was ...

By recalling my graduate school interviews, this was the most frequently asked question. Choosing to pursue speech-language pathology was a multifaceted decision. As a first-generation immigrant of Vietnam, I have always tried to uphold the significance of advocacy for individuals. Growing up, my family constantly faced oppression, discrimination, and adversity ...

Many graduate programs have deceived to waive their GRE requirements for the upcoming 2021 application cycle. I've compiled a list of programs a few weeks ago on my Instagram, and I've received many questions since then - I wanted to address them here since they've been so frequently asked! Q: ...

Each graduate program has their own sets of prerequisites courses you need to take prior to starting their program, so you must check with program(s) of interest about their SLP coursework requirements. This process can be tedious, but it is essential, especially for out-of-field majors who plan to pursue a ...

Zoom classes! Connectivity issues, awkward breakout sessions, hours spent staring into your screen - how can you not love that? This seems to be the new normal and for the time being, we're going to have to deal with it. Fortunately, I've found a few different items to make the ...

It’s graduate school application season, and I know that you're crunching down on your personal statements. Your personal statement is the opportunity for YOU to shine. What sets you apart from other applicants? How do your skills and experiences shape your pursuits? Why does the graduate program need you? My ...

You have been preparing for your experiences, and you were excited to gain professional growth. You have been working to perfect your resume and prove yourself during interviews during the hiring process. Then, COVID-19 hit us...Due to this uncertainty, it may have put a hold on your expected position. Don't ...

An independent study is an opportunity that allows you to gain course credit while exploring your own personal interests on a deeper level. Completing an independent study opens a window of opportunities (gaining research experience, building your resume, gaining a letter of recommendation...and more). If you're interested in this and ...

If you're interested in gaining course credit while your own research, AND gaining an abundance of experience, you should complete an independent study! An independent study is an opportunity that allows you to gain course credit while exploring your own personal interests on a deeper level. The opportunities that open ...

If you're in a sorority and you're on applying to graduate school, you most likely have a leg up in your applications, as most graduate schools look for applicants with diverse backgrounds. Yes, having nearly perfect GPA/GRE scores will help, but they look for people who have unique experiences. If ...