Why Speech?

By recalling my graduate school interviews, this was the most frequently asked question.

Choosing to pursue speech-language pathology was a multifaceted decision.

As a first-generation immigrant of Vietnam, I have always tried to uphold the significance of advocacy for individuals. Growing up, my family constantly faced oppression, discrimination, and adversity due to their broken English. I grew up in a predominantly white community, so  I was always the odd kid out in class. My family struggled, and as the only English-speaking family member, I saw the need to take on this responsibility and make a change. 

When I was younger, my mother and I would take trips back to our native country and volunteer at food and homeless shelters, orphanages, and give back to the local community of Bร  Rแป‹a. She stressed the importance of giving back to those in need when you have the abilities to make a difference. As a result, a sense of purpose and direction stemmed from my exposure to adversities. 

My pursuit of speech-language pathology is rooted in hopes of equipping individuals with proper means of communication. I knew that I wanted to pursue a future in creating a positive change in people’s lives. With this career path, I am able to combine my passion of serving individuals in need, while being able to combat oppression, and enhance individualsโ€™ abilities to express themselves!